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Posts Tagged ‘Writing Prompts’

Caught in a trap!

Friday, December 18th, 2009

This was written in response to this week’s writing prompt.  Enjoy!

Next week’s writing prompt (character): Santa Claus

Many writers find themselves caught in the trap of waiting for the perfect time to write.

Don’t wait.

Write now.

Right now.

The problem with waiting is that, once you start, it’s hard to stop.  Minutes turn into hours, hours to days, and before you know it, years have passed since the last time you sat down to write something new.

Actually, come to think of it, not writing is like not exercising.

  • Once you stop writing, it’s hard to start again.
  • The more you write, the easier it is.
  • Writing every day will make you a stronger writer.
  • You might not see results right away, but keep at it.  After a month, if you look back at what you wrote, you’ll see a noticeable difference.

Even if you feel like you have no time, try writing something for 15 minutes every day.  Take a few moments just before going to sleep, or right after you wake up, to create something new.  Write a response to next week’s writing prompt (Santa Clause!), and post it in the forum.

Most of all, remember to have some fun.  Don’t worry about getting a full story done, just focus on trying something new.

If you like what you create, continue the same topic tomorrow.

If you don’t like what you wrote today, try something new tomorrow.

Above all, keep writing.  Keep up hope.  And keep creating something new.

Next week’s writing prompt (character): Santa Claus

A Spider’s Web

Friday, November 27th, 2009

This was written in response to this week’s writing prompt. Enjoy!

Susan the spider was busy that day,
Lots to do, she had, before time passed away.
On her web, she furiously worked,
Threading her web, she pushed and she jerked.
Round and round, she worked in a curve,
Creating a web for a dinner deserved.

When she had finished, she saw a small place
A place that was perfect, for her babies embrace.
Quickly she worked, and built a cocoon,
A place where her eggs would be lain soon.
She felt the time passing, knew soon they’d be live,
And the time was coming when her babies arrive.

By now in her web, her dinner awaited,
She crawled back to it now, drank ’til she was sated.
Susan felt it was time, so to the cocoon she went
And laid all her eggs, one hundred percent.
Once she was finished, and knew they’d survive,
She defended her children, all four hundred and five.

A few months went by, and Susan was gone,
The cocoon suddenly cracked, and out there came one.
Then seven, then twenty, and several more score,
The babies came out, four hundred and four.
One stayed behind, warm in the shell,
And just like her mother, in this home she’d dwell.

Life continues ever on.

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