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Posts Tagged ‘light’

Light Flooded the Room

Friday, September 25th, 2009

Prompt (event): Light flooded the room.

This week’s prompt had 2 responses, both of which are enjoyable reads. Since both were so close in quality, and tied for votes, we’re going to share them all!

Responses are displayed here in the order posted.

Response #1:  hoopanaholler

Response #2:  Mikal

Next week’s prompt (sentence): And that, my friends, is how I first met my mortal enemy.

We hope you enjoyed these as much as we did! If you’d like to participate in next week’s prompt, please register and check the writing prompts forum for the latest writing prompt!

Alternatively, if you run your own blog, feel free to write a response and leave a comment pointing to your new entry!

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