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Blog of the Bartender

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At the Beach — Mikal’s response

I faced the sky, feeling the warm fullness of the sun shining on my face.

My God, I thought. How good it feels to not think about anything.

After nearly two years of an intense work schedule, with barely a break, I’d finally decided it was time to take a vacation. And while I was on vacation, I had decided that the only thing I was going to focus on was nothing.

Yes, like the guy in Office Space. I wanted to do nothing. All day.

And it was everything I thought it could be.

What a relief to completely shed everything that had been stressing me. I had no responsibilities (beyond finding food and shelter, but that had been taken care of by the resort).

Who really cared whether or not that report got generated? The numbers didn’t mean all that much anyway–half of them were lies, and the rest were guesses. Yet they somehow supposedly showed the truth.

For the first time in years, I felt completely relaxed. The sand below had conformed to my body, forming the perfect bed.

I never wanted to leave.


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