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Posts Tagged ‘Editing’

Get Rid of “It” (and other vague words)

Monday, October 19th, 2009

Have you ever had trouble expressing your message clearly?

I certainly have.

What can we do as writers to help our readers understand our message?

Get rid of “it,” for starters.  Not the message, of course, but the word “it” itself.  Like the Knights who say Ni, “it” is a word that a writer should not use.

“It” is perhaps the most ambiguous word in the entire English language.  “It” can be a monkey, a skill, a xylophone, or any number of other concepts that can be found in the dictionary.

The next time you write something (a comment in response to this post?), try looking through your work and replace the word “it” with the concept you’re truly trying to capture.

Alternatively, choose one of your already written works and scan through for instances of “it”.  If you’re like me, when you’re writing, you tend to naturally use “it” in the course of writing stories or articles.  However, by using “it,” you are robbing your readers of your true meaning.

Read the following sentence (borrowed from a story I wrote recently in response to a writing prompt):

It was just too early…we’d barely gotten to know each other, and while we’d been so similar at first, we couldn’t have had more different ideologies in raising a family.

The sentence seems just fine, but there is a way to improve.  Rewording the sentence to eliminate “it” results in a clearer message:

The pregnancy had come too early…we’d barely gotten to know each other, and while we’d been so similar at first, we couldn’t have had more different ideologies in raising a family.

Which of the two sentences is more clear?  In the first, a reader is left questioning what “it” is, even at the end…is “it” a marriage?  Two people moving in together?  A pregnancy?

The second sentence is more clear–the reader understands immediately what the author intended.

When editing your work, try to eliminate “it”.  I aim to have no usage of the word “it” in my writing (with the exception of this post, of course!).  Other words I look for and try to avoid:

  • it, thing, stuff — Replace  the vague term with a more accurate noun
  • very, extremely, really — Eliminate, or, if I want to stress some particular aspect of a verb or noun, choose a more explicit adverb or adjective, or rephrase the sentence.  For example, instead of “extremely difficult”, I might say “difficult”, “complex” or “laborious”, depending on what aspect I want to emphasize.
  • was, am, are — Choose a more specific verb or phrase.  For example, instead of “I was excited,” a better choice might be “Excited, I <performed some action>”

In general, if I can think of a more specific word that still applies, I use the more specific word instead of a vague one.

Okay, so if “it” is such a bad word, why does it exist? “It” certainly has its place–for example, when an object has no gender (such as the example in this sentence).

In this case, we have to be vague…if there is no term to describe the object, you may have no choice but to use the word “it.”  However, in most cases, you can remove “it” from your sentences.

Writing clearly is one of the most challenging jobs that a writer has.  Following this simple strategy of eliminating vague terms will help us to write more clearly.

Happy writing!

Making a Criticism Sandwich

Monday, October 12th, 2009

Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about giving good criticism.  Giving good, constructive criticism is hard.  There are countless ways to give criticism, and some of them are effective.

Finding something to criticize is easy; there are always different ways to do things.  Being constructive as you tear apart someone else’s writing is much more difficult.

Online, it’s often difficult to tell how well a new (to me) writer will react when I offer my criticism.  Most beginning writers are looking to improve their confidence…they think what they’ve written is good, so they’re looking for confirmation of that.  Most experienced writers want useful feedback–figuring out what they can change to improve their story.

When I’m criticizing an author’s work for the first time, I usually fall back on a tried and true technique:  “sandwiching.”  This offers a bit from both perspectives:  building confidence and giving useful feedback.

1. Praise for overall work. (The top bun)

Writing anything long enough to tell a story or inform someone about some topic is worthy of praise–the writer had to put a certain amount of time into it.  If nothing else, you can always say, “I can see that you’ve put a lot of work into this.  I have a few suggestions for you to help you think about your style.”

If you don’t feel comfortable with this generic praise, then you may want to pick one or two specific items that you like instead.  There’s always something that you can pull out that you liked (assuming the work is longer than a sentence).  For example, “I liked how your character smiled as he spoke; that shows a bit of the character’s personality.”

After you’ve given some praise, then you move on to the tougher piece…giving some constructive criticism.

2. Mention the two or three things that need the most attention.  (The stuff that makes the sandwich–meat, tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, etc)

Unless the author has requested a full, no holds barred edit, focus just on two or three things that need the most attention.  Avoid spelling and grammar comments in your first few rounds–if the author is rewriting sections, spending time on grammar or spelling is likely to result in wasted time.  Spelling and grammar should be among the last things to be corrected.

Instead, focus on things like  inconsistencies within the text.  For example, “You said in your second paragraph that monkeys never come out of trees, and then you have a picture of a monkey on the ground after paragraph seven.”

Another appropriate focus area might be missing information or believability of certain sections.  For example, “I don’t understand why Jane would take that action…is there something about her character that you might be assuming, but not saying?  Can you give hints to the reader as to why she made that decision (either before or after)?”

3. Praise on specific piece that was done well. (The bottom bun)

I sometimes switch 1 and 3 around–after all the sandwich is still a sandwich either way.  Regardless of what is written, it is always possible to find at least one, specific piece that you liked.  Point it out at this time.  This leaves the writer with a positive impression of your criticism, and also helps them recognize the good pieces in their writing, as well as what needs to improve.

If you are truly unable to find anything you like, you can still find something that was better than the rest of the work.  Also, you can always rely on the generic statement used in 1, restated a different way here.

4. Words of encouragement

After receiving criticism on any piece of writing, a writer may feel like you have been attacking them.  Most writers feel like their work is an extension of themselves, so criticizing the work feels like a criticism of the writer.  Recognize the human portion of the writing by giving some words of encouragement.  Remind the writer that you recognize the writer is separate from the work.  You can be as elaborate as you like, but I’ve found that something brief is usually enough, such as:

“Looking forward to your next draft!”

“I hope this helps!  Let me know if you have any questions.”

“Keep working at this, with the ideas I’ve mentioned above.  I think with a little more polish, this good work could be great!”

New writers tend to respond well to the sandwich method, because it helps them know what they’ve done well and what should improve.  Later, as you develop more of a relationship with the writer (and/or the writer gains experience), you can expand into more blunt criticism.  This method allows you to establish a rapport with the writer, so that they understand in future dealings that you truly do care about their improvement.

Experienced writers also tend to respond well to this technique, because it offers them the benefits of praise (praise always feels good) as well as a few things to work on.  Experienced writers may also recognize the pattern and quickly realize that you are an experienced editor who is a valuable resource.

Happy editing!

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