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Archive for the ‘Writing Prompts’ Category

Distant Thunder — Nate Notorious’s response

Sunday, March 7th, 2010

Nate Notorious is one of our young, early members who is back after a long hiatus.  He began his return with this writing prompt response!

I watched as we drifted closer, We were on a boat drifting with no way to steer , drifting directly into a storm. This storm was no ordinary storm. This was a powerful thunderstorm, the most threatening storm I have ever seen. In fact the reason we lost our ores was running from what seemed to belightning chasing us. Desperately hoping to see another boat. A rescue. A retched feeling in our guts, the feeling of hopelessness , being lost and knowing you are going to die and theirs nothing you can do about it.

What seemed like days passed, (you couldn’t tell what time it was because the storm clouds hadn’t let up) as we drifted into a wavy pool of despair. We were almost in the storm, fighting if large waves using our hands to steer. We kept at it for hours until our hands turned purple from the icy water. There were 2 of us on the boat, Walter (me) and Micheal (his friends just call him mick). We finally entered the worst part of the storm when we realized that there was an island inside the storm that we hadn’t seen due to the abundant fog.

We drifted onto the shore, it seemed to be deserted. We anchored on the shore and ran into the land, suddenly the sky seemed to clear and we saw a village in the distance. We ran to where we could see the village and it appeared to not be a village, but a city. Crawling now we collapsed from exaustion. “only 300 feet” said mick. A few men came up to us and asked what had happened,we told them they carried us into the town. As we awoke from our daze, surprised to find that the town was real, we realized that something was different about us. We then realized that we had seemed to have aged 30 years. It didnt make sense, I yelled as a man walked into the room “is this some kind of trick!? Surprised the man said “What are you talking about!?”

The Monster Under the Bed — ZackyV14’s response

Friday, February 12th, 2010

For years I waited in the darkness, being nothing but a victim to frightened children and annoyed parents. I’m nothing to worry about, I don’t exist. How could they jump to such bold conclusion. I remember when those parents used to fear us, when they used to cry to those who cared for them. Decade after decade I succeeded in frightening those to young to know any better and keeping those who did no better awake. The darkness was my greatest ally, and only wreaked havoc with in it.

Tonight was different for use though. We had grown sick of being mocked and sick of being spoken against without consequence. What did we do that night? We proved our existance. I waited all through the night until I saw those small, familiar feet toddle into the room followed closely by the larger ones. They exchanged their goodnights and hugged before the parent left and shut the lights off, giving me control of the room.

I waited to hear to soft snoring the child before I extended my arms, silently pulling my gangly body from the space beneath the bed. I wrapped my hands around the child, the coldness of my flesh quickly bringing him awake.
He couldn’t scream, the shock of seeing my distorted face to much for the young boy. I wrenched the boy from the covers and held in the air, several feet above the ground. In the darkness of his room, I consumed the boy; as did millions of others around the Human World. That night we escaped our realm from under the bed and proved our form of life. What would those parents do? What does a world think when every child sleeping on a bed disappears in the same night?

Perhaps next time you speak to your children, you won’t dismiss us so quickly as lies.

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