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Archive for the ‘Inspiration’ Category

Writing like a Spider

Monday, September 14th, 2009

Outside my window, a spider has built a small web. Curious, and looking for a bit of inspiration, I decided to watch the arachnid for awhile.

My conclusion? Spiders are lazy, inefficient, and just like most writers.

Before you get too offended, hear my explanation.

The spider in question built its web between the window screen and the glass. This spider sat for a long while–it remained still as long as I watched it, and when I checked a couple of hours later, the creature still sat in the same spot.

Apparently this spider (we’ll call it Susan, since I dislike the ambiguous pronoun it and, since it was sitting in a web, can be assumed to be likely female) had constructed her web, probably in the course of a morning, and decided to sit in it, waiting for some creature to stumble into the trap.

Yet, what was Susan doing as she sat in her web? While she may have been composing a new ballad or contemplating writing a sonnet on the difference in taste between crickets and grasshoppers, I have a feeling that she was simply sitting around, waiting for her meal. She also made no effort to capture the fly walking on the screen, even though the fly was just a few centimeters away. The big, juicy meal was within grasp, but because that meal required extra effort (it didn’t land in her web), Susan was not willing to reach out and catch it.

Why is Susan the spider’s behavior similar to the behavior of most writers?

Most writers make the mistake of waiting for inspiration to strike, complacently waiting for ideas to fall into their web. While waiting for ideas to strike, however, you may miss many opportunities, some of which are just hovering out of reach. What if Susan continued to build her web while she waited for something to fall into the trap? What if she had simply reached out and grabbed that fly?

During those idle periods between your great ideas, try something new. Try rewriting an old set of dialogue from a different character’s perspective. Look for that interesting story you thought of while working on something else (for example, a conversation between some of your characters mentioning another event that you think might be interesting).

Build your own web by preparing your mind…research the area you want to write in. The more you learn, the bigger your web is to catch those big ideas.

Build your catches by keeping everything you write. Even if you think the idea is a loss for now, you might be able to use the concept to catch a bigger, juicier fly later on.

Don’t be like Susan the spider. Keep working, keep moving, and keep growing as a writer.

It Takes a Village…

Monday, September 7th, 2009

There’s an old saying that it takes a village to raise a child. In a lot of ways, this is true of writers as well. More on that in a moment.

It’s that time of year again…colleges and schools everywhere are starting back up. It’s time to get back to studying, or getting your kids ready for school, or simply enjoying the fact that you are no longer bound to being in classes anymore. The village–the folks here at WritAnon, the parents, the bus drivers, the teachers, the coaches, and, of course, the other students–is ready to help students (and writers!) grow through another school year.

After a summer of rest (or working jobs, depending on your stage of life), hundreds of thousands of students are back at class. While some may see this as a time of dread, this is really an opportunity for a new beginning. You can build your own community to help improve your writing…and you can also join ours if you’re not already a member.

Back To School by busymommy

Back To School by busymommy

College campuses and high schools are full of people who enjoy writing, so if you are in either of these places, please feel free to pass along a link to WritAnon to people you think might be interested. If your school has bulletin boards up to spread information among students (most colleges do), please consider posting up a flyer.

Back to the title of this blog entry, why do I say that it takes a village to raise a writer? Most feel that writing is a solitary endeavor…and in many ways, it is. However, many writers will find value in having several trusted people to:

  • help critique a work
  • point out what is done well
  • notice when a writer’s style has improved
  • give suggestions for improvement when opportunities arise.

This is exactly the type of community that we have built here at WritAnon.

All of us here at WritAnon share at least one goal–to continuously become better writers. This isn’t a single destination point, but is instead a journey. As many writers will agree, the destination isn’t what’s important…it’s the journey on how to get there.

This time of year brings plenty of opportunities for observant writers to advance their skill–going back to school is the perfect time to share some of your favorite stories with friends, and to write down some of the humorous things that happened to you or your friends.

Writers may also find this a good time to write about the feelings experienced during a life change (and going to school counts, especially if you’ve been out of the school environment for a while).  Some of these emotions may be:  stress, nervousness, excitement, and joy (to see old friends again).

Writing opportunities:

All of these emotions are ripe opportunities for exploring through your writing.  Take a few moments to try to capture some of the emotions you feel about going back to school. Are you returning after living in the “real world” for a long while? Are you looking forward to seeing friends that you haven’t seen all summer? What excites you about returning to school?

Not going back to school?  That’s fine, we have some activities for you too.  What’s your favorite story about going back to school?  Do you have kids?  What about the emotions you go through as a parent?

Feel free to write up a response and post it in the forums. You may be surprised at what feedback you get!

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