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Archive for December, 2010

Happy Holidays from WritAnon

Monday, December 27th, 2010

We’re taking a break from our normal blog entry this week. Please spend time with your family and friends, creating new stories for inspiration in the next year.

If you do any writing this week, try to capture stories of times with your family, or memories of times long past.

Enjoy the holiday!

Thinking of Writing a Novel?

Monday, December 20th, 2010

I saw this video via Pub Rants (thanks, Agent Kristin, even though we haven’t met!).  It highlights many of the mistakes that first-time novelists make before they even start penning the first word.

While it might seem somewhat harsh for the new writer (and funny for those more experienced), there is a lot of truth in this clip.  If you’re considering writing a novel, or know someone who is making some of these mistakes, please ask them to watch this.

It’s for their own good.

The good news is that you can learn from these mistakes, and eventually find yourself in a better position to actually get published.

What other mistakes do you see new writers make?  What advice might you give to the new writer in the video?

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