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Archive for March, 2010

Common Grammatical Mistakes Part 2 of 5

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

Grammatical Mistakes in Writing

Part 2 of 5: More Homonyms

Last week we explored some homonyms and talked about how easy it is confuse them. We are going to explore some more homonyms today. Remember homonyms are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings.

Wear vs. Where and We’re vs. Were

Wear commonly refers to clothing or something that is on the body.

Wear is also used to indicate show deterioration or change.

Example A: I think that you should wear the shield to protect yourself from the dragon.

Example B: The presence of a dragon will wear on the nerves of the villagers.

Where is used to question a place or show location of an object

Example C: Where is the dragon that you were talking about last week?

We’re is the contraction for we are.

Example D: We’re looking for the dragon but he has disappeared.

Were is the past tense of the 2 person past subject for be.

Example E: We were at the cave and did not see the dragon.

Whether and Weather:

Whether is used as a conjunction and can also be used to indicate a choice.

Example F: Whether the dragon has left or whether dragon has stayed, we don’t know if he is alive.

Example G: I doubt whether the knight actually slayed the dragon.

Affect and Effect:

Affect is often used to show how an action provoked an emotion.

Example H: The presence of a dragon affected most of the villagers, who now live their life is fear.

Effect often refers to something that is brought on by a cause.

Example I: The dragon was terrorizing the villagers and in effect a knight was sent to slay the dragon.

Then and Than

Then is commonly used an adverb to indicate a sequence of events or a point in time.

Example J: First we found the sword and then we saw the body of the dragon.

Than is often used as a conjunction to compare to subjects.

Example K: The knight was so much smaller than the dragon. He was being squished by the bulk of the dragon.



Kleinedler, Steve, et al. 100 Words Almost Everyone Confuses and Misuses.

Boston, MA. HoughtonMifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. 2004.

WritAnon on Qwisk

Monday, March 1st, 2010

Last week, WritAnon was one of the first communities to join a relatively new social networking site called Qwisk.

We’re pretty excited about this site.

What is Qwisk?

Qwisk is a social networking site focused on sharing links with your friends.  There are elements of the site that may remind some users of Twitter, but I think it’s even more useful.

The idea behind Qwisk is to share interesting websites with other users.  You have a couple of options for sharing links:  either using their viewer on their page, or if you’re a Firefox user (like me), you can also install their extension.

I find that the extension is more useful since it’s always on.  I can also hide or show the community’s links as I browse, depending on my preference.

I’ve added the current feed from the WritAnon community in the blog sidebar, so you can get a taste of what information is available there.  I plan to share all kinds of interesting links to the community, so please feel free to join and start sharing what you have as well.

What’s in it for you?

Besides seeing lots of interesting stories, you will also have the opportunity to become a community leader.

How do you do so?

Simply share links.  As others share the same link, you’ll gain points.  The people with the most points are labeled the community leaders.

If you like something someone else shared, share it again so others can see it!

How is WritAnon associated with Qwisk?

Qwisk has a personal connection with WritAnon:  I know the people who founded and run the company.  The folks at Qwisk are dedicated to making this tool useful for everyone, and believe in the power of social browsing.

We’re also one of the first communities on Qwisk, so we have the opportunity to grow as Qwisk itself grows.  This is a cool opportunity for WritAnon to take advantage of a different audience and hopefully pull in a few new writers to join the community here as well.

Please check out WritAnon’s extended community on Qwisk at http://qwisk.com/groups/1924/.  Hope to see you there!

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