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Blog of the Bartender

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New Writing Prompt responses!

Each week, we post a writing prompt in the forum.  Friday blog posts are dedicated to showcasing the best responses to the weekly writing prompt.

This prompt was dedicated to Grama Rosie, the grandmother of one of our members, who became ill earlier this week.  Since I learned that she enjoys frog stories, I decided to create a prompt around that topic.

This week’s prompt was: A child catches a frog.

We post a new prompt each Sunday, and pick the best prompts to be shared on Friday morning.  All we ask is for you to spend 15-30 minutes on your prompt, so get ready for the next challenge on this coming Sunday!

Please check out the responses to our writing prompt challenge!  There were several high quality, enjoyable responses.  Leave comments on your favorites!

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One Response to “New Writing Prompt responses!”

  1. Linda Hillman says:

    Grama Rosie enjoyed all the stories and found all of them excellent. Lillypads flower falls brought smiles and she is waiting for her to expand the story. Guo Xiang’s story brought memories of hunting and playing with frogs when she was young. It also embraced her belief in giving them freedom. Mikal’s story made her laugh but I truely think that her favorite was Nate Notorious’ story of catching the noise. She loved the Dr. Seuss approach and catching the noise and naming it.

    Thank you to everyone it was a bright spot in a bad week.

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